Concept of yard spaces design for Scandinavia A102 residential district, New Moscow, Russia

  • client: ГК А101, Moscow
  • partners: MLA+ SPb, MAP Architects

2018 concept, documentation in the implementation phase

Conceptual grounds for the design of yard spaces correspond with and manifest themselves in the local context of the Concept of urban open spaces of Scandinavia A101 residential district.


A yard is a space of public use, which is, however, located in close proximity with personal and family space, life, and activity. In this sense, a yard as an urban open space is an infrastructure suitable only for such individual, group, family, and collective activities which can co-exist in one and the same space without creating conflicts or causing inconveniences to the residential environment and the residents’ personal and family life.


A yard as a collective space is infrastructure for the development of social capital and social culture. Social capital strengthens itself and develops, and the norms of social culture are being established within the process of social communication and interaction within the yard space. For the social communication and interaction to take place, there has to be the reason and the chance.


A yard as a socially accessible space is a unified resource for all possible foreseen, unforeseen, and possible future ways of use, scenarios, and interests. A yard gets separated on the basis of the existing and emerging interests of its target groups, and its resource is limited. In order to avoid ineffective use of space and to support the urban open spaces principle of the importance of social interaction and communication, yards should be able to have interaction between them without borders and obstacles. This potentially helps to fulfill the deficit of any resource. One and the same space can witness several different scenarios of use, the variety of which is supported by the potential of the equipment available to the yard community.


A yard is a space for socialization, collective use, and self-identification for a local community. By the local community we mean social environment of a residential group, the core of which is a yard. Social environment of a residential group contains not only residents of this particular residential group, but all people whose life situation, interests, and memory are, in one way or another, connected to the space of this yard and its former, present, or future residents. This is why it is important for the space of each particular yard to be recognizable, different from other yards and urban open spaces. Unique features of each yard have to be tangible, recognizable, namable.


Principles and senses integrate themselves to the projects of all types of urban open spaces. Concepts D12, D13, D19-21 serve as examples of design solutions for yard spaces of Scandinavia A102 residential district.